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As IGP moves to set Nigeria police free

IGP sets to bequeath on   Nigerians  police  force  that is community oriented   
Agulu (Anambra) Oct. 12, 2019  Mr Frank Mba, Deputy Commissioner of Police , Force Public Relation Officer,  said that IGP, Mohamed Adamu Abuubakar, desires to bequeath no Nigerians a Police Force that is  efficient, effective ,people friendly  and community oriented
Mba said in interview with News men  after closing ceremony of 4 day  capacity building workshop for PPROs at Golden Tulip Hotels, Agulu in Anaocha   Local Government Area of  Anambra
He  said that policing was a very dynamic profession, its dynamic natures draws from the dynamic nature of the society itself with  which is charged to police .
Mba  said that the police spokes persons as the image makers, are gate way for communication  and  information management within the force and very important stakeholders in the implementation  of the national program on community policing .
“ The police PROs are the vanguard  of the community policing program, so they are here to be prepared and  equipped  with modern tools for  discharging this  core mandate  of theirs and achieving the overall objectives of the Nigerian police force .
“ The are here to learn, unlearn and relearn so that they can be better in what they do and serve the nation and the people  better,” he said   
Mba said that the force would enhance on regular  training and re-retraining of the police spokes persons because the world has become fast changing in crime mapping and the need to step up.
He said that police spoke persons need too be constantly trained and retrained to be in top shape to do their job considering the fast  change in crime mapping and with the   era of new media technology  the force need upgrade.
Mba  said that the workshop was planned to inculcate into the officers  the capability to factually  inform the public about the workings of the force and launder the image of the force as well .
Mba said  that “ It is the responsibilities of the PPROs to reposition the Nigerian police force and after this capacity building conference, Nigerians would see the swift improvement of these officers,” he assured.
He said the Nigerian police was grateful to Anambra government and people of the state for their warm hospitality .
Mr Ebere Amaraizu, Superintendent of Police and PPRO Enugu State Command , said that the conference was very apt because it fell into training  and retrain of officers for  effective performance of the officers .
He said that the capacity building  would also help the officer to be used to modern day method of inter facing with the public and create effective presentation of the  image the force .
Amaraizu said that the conference also afforded the officers across the country to meet and interact and exchange ideas on how best to serve the public optimally with their mates.
Mr Haruna Mohamed , SP , Anambra PPRO, said that the conference  was to prepare the  PPR officers across the country on how best to engage in the modern skill of public relations so to serve the people effectively.
Haruna said that the conference was all important because there was need for capacity building for PPROs in the country to step up to the international best practice since there are shifts from orthodox  way of  public relations  to a modern way.
He said that research had shown that “ Social media skills like what’s up, instagrams , face book, twitter has been considered as the fastest  and majority of the audience are engaged s the police need to learn the new skills so to relate efficiently with the public
Haruna said the conference engaged quality resource persons  who  trained  the officer on how to use the modern skills  to reach out to the public effectively in other to bridge the gap of lack of proper communication .
He said that some of the resources persons are Mallam Mukhtar Zubairu Sirajo, president of Nigeria Institute of Public Relations, Mr Chris Isiguzo President of Nigeria Union of Journalists among others .
Mr Ikechukwu Ogu, DSP, PPRO Ekiti State, described the conference as been very timely at the time that the country was in  dare need of factual passage of information to its publics.
Ogu said that the training was information packed  and that his major take home was the need to abide by the ethics of public relations officer by telling the story as it is to gain public confidence  .
He said that police image need to be pictured right by the public and it would be possible if  the police relation officers knows how  to  present issues very well in a modern techniques to the public.  
Mr Bala Elkana , DSP  and PPRO of Lagos state  said  the conference would assist him to improve himself  in handling the population of social media users based in Lagos  for effective and speedy dissemination of information.
 Elkana said that the knowledge garnered on the use of social media  would assist him to reach out to the people under his state very well to relate with  the public in areas of pushing out factual information 
“police officer having skill on how to use  Social media as a means of passing out information to a larger number of the public would aid in feeding  the public correctly and make them not to rely on fake new,” he said   
Mr Abdullahi Harunna , DSP PPRO Kano state said that  the conference had afforded him the privilege to improve on public speaking skills in a more refined way .
Haruna said that the training  has given him ideas on how to make the public understand what the police stands for and how to communicate with the people so that they should see police in a good perspective .
He said that a lots was learnt on   how to engage in social media skills for effective relationship between his office and the public so as to get the best out of the people.
Mr Mac Don Odiko  SP and PPRO from Akwa Ibom said that the conference was very resourceful, exposed the officer to see the public as their boss and not  as competitors.
Odiko said that the training is an eye opener to them and has created a pact  for them to know better on how to write  releases, and  address  the public without anxiety.
He said  that learning the modern method of public relations through the use of social media was very important in the discharge of their duty as it would aid in the force image laundering.
 37 PPRO from State commands and FCT and 12 PROs of the 12 police zones in the country and other top officers from Force Headquarters’  attended the conference   in Anambra from Oct. 8  to  Oct. 11 an d a dinner to wrapped up the conference would hold today at the instance of the state government. 

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